Welcome to my Blog

Hello visitors!
This is my blog that I am creating as part of a State Library of Victoria Training program.
I have deciced to call my blog Close the Gap , because maybe doing this will close the gap in my knowledge about Web 2.0.
Close the Gap is Australia's largest campaign to improve Indigenous Health. It involves both Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations, including Oxfam Australia. The campaign calls on federal, state and territory governments to commit to closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation.
I am experimenting as I learn more along the way, and it is a bit of a journal of my learning . I have also decided to make it a bit of a chronicle of my almost all pervasive passion for Indigenous issues, literature, music, art and culture.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week Five - Play Part two- Rollyo and Library Thing


  • I have played around with image generators, and quite liked the mosaic I created, and can see that there are a lot of fun things out there to spend time looking at, these will be fun to use with kids who may come to the new Youth program at our Library, if they are interseted.


  • I have explored library thing, and have a list of books that I catalogued on my Blog. I can see it is fun, and it is great that it includes Libaries Australia, because some of the material I was cataloguing is Australian material. I am not sure if I would spend much time using Library Thing, but I like how the Widget looks on my blog.


  • I like Rollyo! It seems a really useful tool. I found someones else's searchroll and they had a great list of Indigineous websites, and that saved time, so I added it to mine.

1 comment:

Emerald said...

sparkles arent required for your blog they will ruin it so don't go there - there are lots of other good things out there that you can use. i think library thing for a specialised list of australian material is a great idea.