Welcome to my Blog

Hello visitors!
This is my blog that I am creating as part of a State Library of Victoria Training program.
I have deciced to call my blog Close the Gap , because maybe doing this will close the gap in my knowledge about Web 2.0.
Close the Gap is Australia's largest campaign to improve Indigenous Health. It involves both Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations, including Oxfam Australia. The campaign calls on federal, state and territory governments to commit to closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation.
I am experimenting as I learn more along the way, and it is a bit of a journal of my learning . I have also decided to make it a bit of a chronicle of my almost all pervasive passion for Indigenous issues, literature, music, art and culture.

Friday, October 5, 2007

LISTENUP : Reconciliation Book Launch Passwords, bloglines and my failed attempts at the last learning tasks...

Well then,
I started to register with Bloglines, but I kind of lost the plot and baulked when I had to think of another Password, and I started to to get a little bit of Learning2.0 fatigue.

Right now I am at home on the weekend and I have dial up and it is a bit too slow, so I will have to attempt again next week, back at work. So not much progress on my pathway to close the gap in my learning, but a bit more of my diary on Aboriginal, Indigenous issues!!

On Thursday evening I went to a book launch at Readings. The book has been written in response to Howard and the coalitions "Emergency Legislation" in the Northern Territory.
It is called :
Coercive reconciliation: stabalise,normalise , exit Aboriginal Australia: edited by Jon Altman and Melinda Hinkson.
The launch was packed, and quite interesting because this book has been published in a very short time( I think about 7 weeks after the legislation was passed) It is published by Arena publications and so is a very swift response to the legislation, a bit of a record in publishing.
This book is a collection of Essays written in response to the Howard Governments legislation, and I am really learning a lot from what I have read so far. One of the key things that the speakers at the Launch said was that:

"The passing of the Howard Government’s Northern Territory Emergency Intervention Billsdemonstrates
that there is a crisis in Aboriginal and Islander policy formation and
implementation. The bills roll back Aboriginal and Islander self-determination,
land rights and the Racial Discrimination Act. They enact a national policy
framework that works against Aboriginal and Islander children, families and
communities. There is no evidence base for these actions" ( Found on Listenupaustralia.0rg website October 6th 2007)
Whilst there is a need for Government to actively seek solutions in partnership with Aboriginal people, to the problems in the communities, this legislation will not solve the " emergency".

The book launch was also the launch of a website called:
LISTENup . Go to : www.listenupaustralia.org. From here you can lean more about the Northern Territory Emergency Intervention Legislation from the perspective of the Aboriginal community , in a far more articulate way than I can write, and you can sign a pledge!

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