Welcome to my Blog

Hello visitors!
This is my blog that I am creating as part of a State Library of Victoria Training program.
I have deciced to call my blog Close the Gap , because maybe doing this will close the gap in my knowledge about Web 2.0.
Close the Gap is Australia's largest campaign to improve Indigenous Health. It involves both Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations, including Oxfam Australia. The campaign calls on federal, state and territory governments to commit to closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation.
I am experimenting as I learn more along the way, and it is a bit of a journal of my learning . I have also decided to make it a bit of a chronicle of my almost all pervasive passion for Indigenous issues, literature, music, art and culture.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

RSS and Gordon Bennett

Altered Body Print ( Shadow Figure Howling at the Moon ) Gordon Bennett 1994.

I attempted the RSS learning task again, and succeeded to register with Bloglines, and now have some State Library Feeds, Alia Feeds and a few other feeds too. I am not sure whether, I will really log in to Bloglines all that often and have a look at, but as other Yarra Library Bloggers have said, its good to know how to do it and what it is all about. I heard that new version of Outlook that Yarra will be getting in the future will have RSS capabilities, and this would be better than logging into another account. Also, a colleague of mine showed me her Google home page which had her email, feeds, and news all in one account, which seemed easier.

Anyway enough on RSS, because I think its been blogged on all our pages to within an inch of its life.
On Sunday I went to the Gordon Bennett Retrospective at the NGV ( Federation Square) It was just amazing, truly a wonderful exhibition, very intense, my mind was a bit blown afterwards, but it is powerful and amazing work. So another cultural recommendation, and its on until January, so it gives you a bot of time to go! Bennett is an Aboriginal Artist that challenges the official history of Australia, but also challenges notions of Aboriginality and identity. I think he actually challenges ideas about being and Aboriginal Artist, so I guess I should say he is a Contemporary Australian Artist.
Actually I wonder what Gordon Bennett would say about my posting his picture- which was one of my favorite, next to such an inane post about RSS. Hmm

1 comment:

Emerald said...

the galleries are one of the best things about melbourne. out of interest how does he challenge the official history of australia and identity?