Welcome to my Blog

Hello visitors!
This is my blog that I am creating as part of a State Library of Victoria Training program.
I have deciced to call my blog Close the Gap , because maybe doing this will close the gap in my knowledge about Web 2.0.
Close the Gap is Australia's largest campaign to improve Indigenous Health. It involves both Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations, including Oxfam Australia. The campaign calls on federal, state and territory governments to commit to closing the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within a generation.
I am experimenting as I learn more along the way, and it is a bit of a journal of my learning . I have also decided to make it a bit of a chronicle of my almost all pervasive passion for Indigenous issues, literature, music, art and culture.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Delicious Rave on Passwords

I registered for a Delicious account ( another password another login). I think this will be useful for Bookmarking, but I don't quite get the point of tagging other peoples Bookmarks, because it just gets more and more information and I already feel overloaded. I like the easy simple things. My enthusiasm is waning, as I want to go back an live in the rain forest to escape all this STUFF!

I now have a a login and password for Blogger, Bloglines, Delicious, Rollyo, Library Thing, my work computer, my home computer, my online banking, ebay, paypal, ticketmaster, and I am sure there are more that I have forgotten, and it seems to be getting a bit crazy. I mean do I write them all down in a book, and then what if I loose that book. I can never remember half of them and don't want to use the same ones. Maybe someone should come up with a website where you can resister all your passwords, but then you would need a password for that site, and what if you forgot it......

1 comment:

Emerald said...

over the years i have lost 2 flickr accounts, 3 other photosharing accounts, a yahoo acount and a hotmail account because I have forgotten passwords. so i understand your pain. its annoying isnt it!

but i have some GREAT NEWS for you. there are several applications out there that do, in fact, manage your passwords. do a google search using free password manager and, once again, become really really confused about which one you shold be using.

on the positive side, i have found that some of the sites don't reguire you to log in each time. my google customised homepage stays logged in to my profile which includes gmail and yahoo email accounts and rss feeds. and delicious stays logged in as well.

welcome to the world of technology..